reverse each word in a string c++

 Reverse each word in a string c++

Aadil has been provided with a sentence in the form of a string as a function parameter. The task is to implement a function so as to print the sentence such that each word in the sentence is reversed.

Input Sentence: "Hello, I am Aadil!"
The expected output will print, ",olleH I ma !lidaA".
Input Format:
The first and only line of input contains a string without any leading and trailing spaces. The input string represents the sentence given to Aadil.
Output Format:
The only line of output prints the sentence(string) such that each word in the sentence is reversed. 
0 <= N <= 10^6
Where N is the length of the input string.

Time Limit: 1 second
Sample Input 1:
Welcome to Coding Ninjas
Sample Output 1:
emocleW ot gnidoC sajniN
Sample Input 2:
Always indent your code
Sample Output 2:
syawlA tnedni ruoy edoc
C++ Code:
void reverseIndex(char s[], int i, int j)
    char temp = s[i];
    s[i] = s[j];
    s[j] = temp;

void reverseEachWord(char input[]) {
  if(input==nullptr) return;
  int read=0;
  while(input[read] != '\0')
    while(input[read] != '\0' && isspace(input[read]))
    if(input[read] == '\0')
    int start = read++;
    while(input[read] != '\0' && !isspace(input[read]))
    reverseIndex(input, start, read-1);


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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