Find and return the total number of pairs in the array/list You have been given an integer array/list(ARR) and a number X. Find and retur...
Archive for
July 2021
Find Duplicate in an array in c++
Find Duplicate You have been given an integer array/list(ARR) of size N which contains numbers from 0 to (N - 2). Each number is present a...
find unique number in an integer array
find unique number in an integer array You have been given an integer array/list(ARR) of size N. Where N is equal to [2M + 1]. Now, in the ...
swap numbers in array
swap numbers in array You have been given an empty array(ARR) and its size N. The only input taken from the user will be N and you need not...
swap every pair of alternate elements in the array/list in c++ using function
swap every pair of alternate elements in the array/list in c++ using function You have been given an array/list(ARR) of size N. You need to...
Linear Search in c++ using function
Linear Search You have been given a random integer array/list(ARR) of size N, and an integer X. You need to search for the integer X in th...
find difference of sum of elements at even indices (E) and sum of elements at odd indices(O). c++
Find the Difference Given an array/list A with N elements, you need to find difference of sum of elements at even indices (E) and sum of e...
Given an array of length N, you need to find and print the sum of all elements of the array using function
array sum Given an array of length N, you need to find and print the sum of all elements of the array. Input Format : Line 1 : An Integer N...
fibonacci number(Given a number N, figure out if it is a member of fibonacci series or not. Return true if the number is member of fibonacci series else false.)
fibonacci number Given a number N, figure out if it is a member of fibonacci series or not. Return true if the number is member of fibonacc...
C++ program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit using functions
C++ program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit using functions Given three values - Start Fahrenheit Value (S), End Fahrenheit value (E) and ...
Number Star Pattern
Number Star Pattern in C++ Print the following pattern for given number of rows. Input format : Line 1 : N (Total number of rows) Sample In...
Pyramid Number Pattern in c++
Pyramid Number Pattern in C++ Print the following pattern for the given number of rows. Pattern for N = 4 1 212 32123 4321234 Input f...
Binary to decimal in c++
Binary to decimal in C++ Given a binary number as an integer N, convert it into decimal and print. Input format : An integer N in the Bina...
Decimal to Binary in C++
Decimal to Binary in C++ Given a decimal number (integer N), convert it into binary and print. The binary number should be in the form of ...
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